LUVENA S.A. is a company continuing over 100 years’ tradition of fertilizers manufacturing. Fertilizers factory in Luboń was opened in 1914.

Today, the Company output is over 300 thousand tons of fertilizers a year and the capacity is systematically extended thanks to investments.

The range of products manufactured by the Company covers 66 products offered in various packages.

The basic products and services provided by the Company include:

The Company uses management system corresponding to the standard PN EN ISO 9001:2009.

It attaches a lot of weight to the state-of-the-art technologies and environmental protection. Air measurements are regularly carried out and their results are published on our website.

Our Research and Development Department is working on constant improvement of the products offered.

We put emphasis on the education of our employees, and their competence. We cyclically instruct our personnel within specialist knowledge, occupational health and safety, and customer service.

We do our best to support local community, as far as possible. A range of actions is being carried out within the CSR idea.

You are invited to cooperation. Get familiar with our company and products.

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